No circuit in this world is complete without a load, meaning a circuit is most of the times designed to provide power to a load. While our quest is for minimizing power losses in case of power transmission and distribution, still there are areas where maximum power and not efficiency is the major concern. Power transmission and distribution is always done keeping in mind the efficiency of the system and whether the system proves to be economical or not.
But when it comes to electronic and communication networks, very often the goal is to either receive or transmit maximum power (though at reduce efficiency). This is because, here the power involved is mostly a few mill watts or micro watts.
When applied to DC networks, the theorem states that:

STATEMENT: A resistive load will abstract maximum power from a network when the load resistance is equal to the Thevenin resistance as seen from the load. That means when RL=Rth, power delivered to the load will be maximum.

Consider the circuit given below:

Suppose we obtain Vth and Rth of any arbitrary circuit and then connect a load resistance RL across them. Then the power delivered to the load is
\[P={{i}^{2}}{{R}_{L}}={{\left[ \frac{{{V}_{th}}}{{{R}_{th}}+{{R}_{L}}} \right]}^{2}}{{R}_{L}}\]
Now, for any given circuit, thevenin resistance and voltage are fixed. Thus, the power delivered to a load by varying the load resistance can be graphed as shown below:


Power consumed by the load =${{\left[ \frac{{{V}_{th}}}{{{R}_{th}}+{{R}_{L}}} \right]}^{2}}{{R}_{L}}$
For power to be maximum, $\frac{dP}{d{{R}_{L}}}=0$
\[\Rightarrow \frac{d}{d{{R}_{L}}}\left[ {{\left( \frac{{{V}_{th}}}{{{R}_{th}}+{{R}_{L}}} \right)}^{2}}{{R}_{L}} \right]=0\]
\[\Rightarrow {{V}_{th}}^{2}\left[ \frac{{{\left( {{R}_{th}}+{{R}_{L}} \right)}^{2}}-2{{R}_{L}}\left( {{R}_{th}}+{{R}_{L}} \right)}{{{\left( {{R}_{th}}+{{R}_{L}} \right)}^{4}}} \right]=0\]
\[\Rightarrow {{\left( {{R}_{th}}+{{R}_{L}} \right)}^{2}}=2{{R}_{L}}\left( {{R}_{th}}+{{R}_{L}} \right)\]
                                \[\Rightarrow {{R}_{th}}+{{R}_{L}}-2{{R}_{L}}=0\]
Thus, ${{R}_{th}}={{R}_{L}}$
This shows that the maximum power transfer takes place when the load resistance RL is equal to the thevenin resistance or the internal resistance of the circuit.
As, \[P={{\left[ \frac{{{V}_{th}}}{{{R}_{th}}+{{R}_{L}}} \right]}^{2}}{{R}_{L}}\]
Putting Rth=RL, we get ${{P}_{\max }}=\frac{{{V}_{th}}^{2}}{4{{R}_{th}}}=\frac{{{V}_{th}}^{2}}{4{{R}_{L}}}$
This is the maximum power transferred to the load in case of DC circuits. But when an AC source of internal impedance (R1+jX1) is supplying power to load impedance (RL+jXL). Then, maximum power transfer will take place when
                                 \[\left| {{Z}_{L}} \right|=\left| {{Z}_{i}} \right|\]
i.e. Modulus of load impedance = modulus of internal impedance
Particularly, the maximum power transfer in case of AC is observed when load impedance is the complex conjugate of the source impedance i.e. If internal impedance = R1 + jX1, then for maximum power, load impedance = R1 – jX1.


Studying any topic theoretically without understanding and thinking about its applications is like doing a crime to yourself. As far as, engineering is concerned, it’s all about application.

So where is this theorem used?

Maximum power transfer theorem is mostly utilized in electronic, as mentioned in the introduction of this post. Most of the times, in electronics it is the maximum power that is of more concern than efficiency.
For example, have you seen ‘rabbit ear’ antennas? The one that used to be on TV sets. They receive power from radio waves originating at a transmitter miles away. The antenna does not collect much power. So, the TV receiver is designed to make maximum use of the power provided by the antenna.
Maximum power transfer theorem is used for optimization also. Following the above example, the TV receiver is optimized when its input impedance is matched to the output impedance of the antenna because this gives maximum power to the receiver.
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